Thursday, November 27, 2014

Property Investor buys 2 units at Baken Gardens, Pretoria North

Leon Jordaan (left) and Strauss Odendaal (right)

Nethold Group has sold 2 units at Baken Gardens in Pretoria North to property investor, Strauss Odendaal (pictured above). 

''Nethold Group has the ability to pick great little gems with great returns for the small property investor, '' says Mr Odendaal.  ''Baken Gardens is a fantastic investment.  I especially like the fact that the units have tenants in already and is fully managed. That saves me a lot of time and I do not have to find tenants myself. The units are also close to a shopping centre, school and public transport,'' he explains.

Leon Jordaan, CEO and owner of Nethold Group (pictured above) agrees with Mr Odendaal.  This is definitely the investment bargain of the year.  The units at Baken Gardens are fully tenanted, fully managed by property managers and for a sale price of under R300,000!  For this price, there is also no transfer duties payable.

Investors have the option of keeping the current tenants, or to take the property vacant. Best of all, the units are selling below market value, which gives the investor immediate equity of R30k+  Click here for more information of units for sale at Baken Gardens.

Nethold Group wishes Mr Odendaal the very best of success with his brand new investment properties!

Nethold Group is a South African company that buys, rents and sells great value properties. If you are interested in buying an investment propertyNethold Group might be the seller you are looking for. Nethold Group has under market value properties for sale.

Nethold Group is not an Estate Agency and owns all properties that are for sale.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to stay motivated in property investing

Property investing is not without issues or challenges.

There will be times in your learning curve when you make mistakes or when things seem to go wrong.

Please do not give up.

Nethold Group has come up with a few tips to help you stay motivated:

  • Know your purpose and strategy for investing. This will help you make the right decisions when investing in property.  For example: if your purpose is to gain financial freedom, your aim will be for your passive income to be more than your expenses.  Your strategy will be positive cash flow properties.

  • Keep track of your goals.  If you keep track of your end goal, it will help you to put negative or bad experiences into perspective.  Remind yourself you need to stay focused.  Knowing you are on track to reach your goals will be a great motivator.

  • Understand property investing is a business.  Make decisions purely from a financial point of view and leave your emotions out of it.

  • Manage your own expectations.  It takes time to reap the rewards of property investing, it will not bring you returns overnight.

  • Understand that expenses and problems will occur.  Just fix them and move on with your business!

  • When you feel you want to give up, focus on the long term future. Take a car for example. You don't give up on it just because it needs new tyres!  The same goes for property.

  • Look at your mortgage statements. Just seeing how far you have come and how much has been paid off can be a strong motivator not to give up.

Nethold Group is a South African company that buys, rents and sells great value properties. 

If you are interested in buying an investment propertyNethold Group might be the seller you are looking for. Nethold Group has under market value properties for sale.

Nethold Group is not an Estate Agency and owns all properties that are for sale.

Find out more:

    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    10 Surprisingly easy ways to increase the value of your property

    If you are in the market to sell property, it may be worth your while to spend a few hundred Rands on minor improvements.  These improvements can increase the value of your property by thousands of Rands!

    Best news of all is that it should not be expensive either.

    Nethold Group has come up with 10 things you can do this weekend to immediately increase the value of your property.

    1. The garden.  Take a good look at your garden.  Does it need some attention?  Maybe you can add some flowers, do some weeding or make sure the sprinkler system is working properly.  If your garden looks good, your house looks good!

    2. The front door.  Do not underestimate the importance of the front door!  This is the entrance to your house.  First impressions count.  Maybe the doorbell needs fixing, or some potted plants can be added for colour.  Does the area leading up to the front door look neat, tidy and welcoming?

    3. Floors.  Repair any broken tiles, patch damaged floor boards.  Maybe rip out those tired wall to wall carpets.

    4. Exterior.  Address the basics.  Repair or replace gutters, windows, plumbing leaks.

    5. Bathroom.  Spiff it up a little.  Replace frosted glass with clear glass.  Clean the grout.  Remove any stains.  Get rid of any signs of mould.

    6. Walls.  Find areas with chipped paint and repair.  Try to tone down any colours on the walls that might send potential home buyers running.  Paint a feature wall a bright colour to add interest to an otherwise dull corner or area in the house.

    7. Cupboards.  Wardrobes, kitchen cabinets and cupboards can be given a fresh look by simply unscrewing and adding new, modern handles.

    8. Spring clean.  Time to really get some deep cleaning going.  Get a professional in to steam clean curtains, shampoo carpets and clean walls, shelves and cupboards.  Potential buyers will definitely want to see the cupboard space in the kitchen and bedrooms.

    9. Declutter.  Get unnecessary stuff out of the way.  Help potential buyers project their own ideas for the room.  If a room is cluttered, they will lose focus and motivation.  Less is more!

    10. Remove the question marks.  Look at your house from a the buyers perspective.  That broken front step or cracked threshold is going to make him ask lots of ''what's that?" questions.  By repairing, fixing and improving the ''question marks'' you are literally paving the way for the potential buyer to make you a great offer.

    Nethold Group is a South African company that buys, rents and sells great value properties.  

    If you are interested in selling your home urgently, Nethold Group might be the buyer you are looking for.

    Find out more:

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    How to make money through property

    Did you know that anyone with a regular income and clean credit record can invest in property? 

    But: why would you want towhere do you start and how can you make money through property? These are all great questions and we will address them today. 

    Why invest in property? 
    • Investing in property is the ultimate way to build wealth.  Building wealth will lead to financial independence and this can lead to you being your own boss, not reliant on a salary for your lifestyle. 

    How can you make money through property?

              There are 2 ways:
    • (1) Profit from rental income. Find tenants to rent the property from you.  This puts money directly into your pocket. You just need to make sure the rental income is more than what the property is costing you on a monthly basis.  Whatever the difference is profit straight in your pocket every month. This is called being cash flow positive.
    • (2) Profit from capital growth.  When you buy a property, you borrow a fixed amount from the Bank to pay for the property.  Property, however, increases in value over time.  Say, for instance, you buy a property now for R250,000.  In 3 years time the value may have increased and say it is worth R275,000 after 3 years.  The difference is your profit! Thus R275k - R250k = a profit of R 25,000. 

     Where do you start?
    • (1) Get Finance from a Bank. This should not be too hard.  Banks generally encourage property    investment.  Just make sure you can afford your primary property (where you live) as well as your         investment property.  Great news is that all expenses like levies, rental agent fees, interest on  the bond etc are all tax deductable!
    • (2) Find an investment property.You will need to do your homework.  Luckily, South Africa has a growing middle class who are populating the urban areas.  The trend is that they are favouring renting over buying, which creates a high demand for rental properties.  Find a location where there is a high rental demand.  In general, the buy-price-versus-rental-income is best in properties under R600k.
    • (3) Have a good strategy.For example, if you can buy a property in a good location and purchase it for less than its market value, you are able to pay the property off sooner if you use the monthly profit from your rental income.  Once the property is paid off, you receive an inflation-linked income for life from this property!

        Words of advice for beginners?
        • Be patient. Investing in property is a process.
        • At first, focus on residential property. Residential property is less volatile than commercial property.
        • Learn as much as you can.  Join online property forums.  Sign up for email newsletters and updates. Know when there is a bargain in a property area.
        • Start small by investing in a small residential property.  This will help you understand the legal and business processes surrounding property transactions.  In turn, this will minimise your risks.

            How can Nethold Group assist in this process?
            • Monthly newsletterSubscribe to receive property news and trends.
            • Facebook Like us to learn more about property.
            • Twitter.  Follow us to be the first to know.
            • Less than market value properties.   Subscribe to our free bargain property notification service.The Nethold Group has reclaimed residential property for sale below market value.   This will let you know as soon as a new bargain property is listed.
            • Nethold Group owns all the property it rents or sells and is not an Estate Agency.
            • Visit the Nethold Group website for more.